Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Science Test Friday

What it covers:

4 Properties of light:

  1. Light can be absorbed
  2. It moves in a straight line
  3. It can be refracted
  4. It can be reflected
4 Properties of sound:

  1. Sound travels in waves;
  2. Sound is caused by vibrations;
  3. Sound can be absorbed and reflected;
  4. Sound can be modified;
Artifical and Natural light - Give examples of each.

Difference between pitch and volume (think back to our musical instruments and what you learned in Ms. Soltes' class).

LED versus Incandescent Lights - which are better and why? Check out this comparison if you need help: https://www.viribright.com/lumen-output-comparing-led-vs-cfl-vs-incandescent-wattage/

Light and sound are Energy! They travel in waves, but we cannot see it without the use of specialized machines. 

Sound has Vibrations and solids absorb sound better than soft or liquid objects.

What absorbs light better? Light or dark colors? What reflects better? Light or dark colors?

What happens to light when it hits water? Does it reflect? Bend (refract)? Nothing?

Remember: I have posted a lot of science videos, and we have done many labs testing light and sound. Please look back at it all to help you answer these questions if you are a bit hazy!

Monday, April 29, 2019

Homework Monday April 29th

Reading Comprehension - Entire Booklet: Determining Important Information

Paragraph of the Week - Should students have more recess time? - Final copy & drawing due tomorrow.

You have had plenty of time to work on the paragraphs and should be done by now. Please get them done or you will be spending recess with me!

What Forgiveness Means To Me..

We will be presenting tomorrow at the assembly..

So time to make a video.. on what forgiveness means to us!!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Sound Vibrations & The Ear

The Four Properties of Sound:
  1. Sound travels in waves
  2. Sound is caused by vibrations
  3. Sound can be absorbed and reflected
  4. Sound can be modified

Also.. Look how your eyes work!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Extra Patterns Math Help

Here is a great booklet you can print and work through at your own pace! It will help you in our Patterns unit, but also when we begin our algebra unit later in the year!

Grade 4 Patterns Extra Practice Booklet

Friday, April 19, 2019

Earth Day 2019

Here's the Earth Day song if you want to keep listening to it and reminding yourself what you need to do to help the earth!

Remember we can:
  1. Reduce our footprint
  2. Use less energy - turn off the lights!
  3. Use less water - don't let the faucet run, take shorter showers
  4. Use reusable containers for lunches
  5. Don't use plastic bags, straws etc. Find reusable ones
  6. Pick items that have parts we can reuse - ie: get a metal or glass reusable drink container, not plastic!
  7. Use both sides of the paper, recycle our paper, and don't waste it!
  8. And so much more!
What other ways can you help Mother Earth?

Mr. DeMaio's Awesome Videos

So remember our Top Bunk, Bottom Bunk Continents video... he has more! For all the multiplication facts! Check him out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwyVRKfytvjSF6q5s7noKZQ

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Second Page of our Paragraph writing

Please finish the first 4 sections: Topic Sentence, and 3 supporting details:

Main Ideas and Extreme Weather

What is the difference between a Hurricane or a Typhoon? While we were working on finding our main ideas and details, we also started wondering about extreme weather and how to stay safe during lightning storms! Here's the videos!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Masters of....

Congrats to our latest Masters of Addition: Evan & Tanishka!
Our Masters of Subtraction: Lukas!
And our latest master of Multiplication: Yiang Yang!!
Wooooooo!! Keep up the awesome work team!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Growth Mindset

Stretch your brain and increase those brain muscles! Here's the book again in case you want to read it!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Remember you have a math test on Monday! You need to be able to:

  • Estimate numbers to find the sum (+) and difference (-)
  • Add and subtract showing your work and your steps (borrowing, carrying)
  • Find out the amount of change/bills you should get back when you purchase something. 
You can spend some time reviewing the homework I've posted, working with money, or practicing on Prodigy or Freckle. Remember, when we did our Plickers reviews you should know where you struggled to ensure that is where you continue practicing!

***REMEMBER: You need to read the question, to ensure you are answering it correctly.. like: Estimate, THEN calculate!

Save the Rainforest!

Today we learned a bit about the different rainforests around the world. They are all over and close to the equator. Costa Rica, Brazil, Madagascar, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, and of course... MALAYSIA all have rainforests. We need to be careful about what we do so that we do not help the destruction of the rainforests around the world. We need them because they produce... oxygen!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Wonder Update

We are halfway through our "Wonder" read aloud. Yesterday we read a quote that really stuck with me.. sometimes we need to apologize and say sorry if we have hurt somebody, even though we didn't mean to. They still got hurt!

Math Homework

We are going to bump the Math test to Monday, seeing we had a few away today who didn't get to review for it. Please ensure all the questions are done, so we can use our "Plickers" to review tomorrow. Questions #2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Working With Money

Math Test friday on Adding and Subtracting, estimating, and working with money. Remider: If you want your addition quiz grade improved, I need the quiz back with all corrections by tomorrow! Your money worksheet it due for tomorrow. Here is a review of what we covered today!

Where the Wild Things Are..


Money Money Money

We are continuing to work with money and building change when we buy things at the store.. You are going to buy some toys today and use some fake bills to find the change you would be given back. Remember to practice out with your parents when you are buying groceries, or going out for meals! It will help you get better, so nobody rips you off!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Bully Goat Grim

I forgot to post this.. but incase you want to watch again.. We love the Bully Goat Grim story!

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Congratulations YinHao, Yiang Yiang, and Emily

Wowza!! Our first Master of Everything.. EMILY!!! She made it through and doesn't need to play on XtraMath anymore.. well done Emily!

Joining her this week is YinHao in Addition and Yiang Yang in Subtraction..

Keep up the amazing work ladies and gentlemen!

Visualization and History

Today we did a walk back in time on the same spot, hundreds to thousands to millions of years ago. We worked on visualizing the words as they are read to us, and then checking the pictures to see if it matches what we visualized. It is crazy how much the world can change, and how each spot, like our classroom, could have been underwater, a mountain, or maybe a volcano many, many, MANY years ago (or maybe all of the above).

Crazy Hair Day

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Interrupting Chicken

We kick off our Spring into Reading month with an Interrupting Chicken..
Just like our Volcanoes that we've been working on.. this time.. it's an interrupting chicken we have to deal with!