Monday, May 18, 2020

Weekly Shoutout to My Hardworkers!

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Epic Superstars: Yu Wei, Rachel, Jayden, Ming Kee, and Sophia

Raz-Kids Superstars: Rachel, Aroush, YunZhi, Anuj, and Tiffany

XtraMath Superstars: Gianna, Jayden, Jayvier, Sophia, and Yu Wei

Prodigy Superstars: Tiffany, Ming Kee, Yu Wei, Maranelo, and Sophia

Study Ladder: Sophia, Jayden, Yu Wei, Gianna, Maranelo

Anuj, Gianna, and Rae-E spent some time on Freckle, and Jayvier and Rae-E explored the new Spelling City games!

Great job students! I am so glad to see you working hard and trying your best!

Monday, May 18th Lesson Outline

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The Digital Classroom for your browsing. Links to books for you and lessons, as well as student art!

LANGUAGE (1-1.5 hours):

Week 11 of Reading Comprehension posted - Do Day 1! Watch this video for a review about the Author's purpose! You've been learning about this for many years, you might just not know it as the "author's purpose!"

Read for at least 20 minutes via Raz Kids, Epic, or their choice of book - Remember, we need 9000 minutes as a class for our reading party!

New Words Their Way words and assignments are posted! Remember to watch the videos attached to your lesson!

Wonder Novel Study - We had been reading Wonder before we got locked down. You can continue reading it by clicking on the Wonder book in the digital classroom above. It will read it aloud to you. You can also turn on the closed captions so you can see the words or translate if you need to! See below! We had read to about 1:33:10 of the recording if you want to skip to where we were.

You do not need to listen to it all now! Listen for 15-20 minutes here or there to try to get through it before we watch the movie in June!

    1. The great thing about this audio version is students can turn on “CC” or closed captioning to have the words show up on the screen as well (which also helps with reading comprehension/fluency). 

    2. For students who are ESL, they can have it read in English but have Mandarin or Korean translation closed captioning to help them understand. 

      1. Hover over the bottom of the Youtube screen and click the “CC” button to toggle on. 

      2. Click the settings button (looks like a gear). 

      3. Click on auto-translate and click your chosen language to turn it on.