Thursday, January 31, 2019

Homework for tonight

Mental Math Lesson 2 is due tomorrow.
Students also need to be done their Words Their Way sentences: They will write a sentence for each word. For example if their word is "school," they could write: "I go to Sunway International School in Johor Bahru."
If they forgot their Daily 5 at school, the words can be found on the Spelling City link to the right, the group they are in was sent to your Class Dojo app :)

We didn't have time to talk about the flashcards, so I will talk about them tomorow. Sorry in advance for any confusion.

The Legend of Nian

The legend of Nian:
What is a legend? Is it true? Where do legends come from?

Nikola Tesla Part II

Alright.. here is a nice video summing up what we read in our book last night, you are welcome to watch it on your own.. it is from Brain Pop! Below.. read the answer to find out why he didn't electrocute himself when he had all that power flowing through him!

How did Nikola Tesla Survive 250 000 volts of electricity?
The alternating current flowing through the wire to Tesla was changing directions at a very high frequency (millions of times a second!). Very high frequency currents have a quirk that kept Nikola safe: High frequency currents travel along the outside of objects instead of penentrating through them. So instead of spreading through Nikola's body, the high-frequency current traveled along the surface of his skin. That protected his heart, which can seize up from even small amounts of current! But don't try any of this yourself...

Math Flashcards

Alright ladies and gentlemen... You've been doing amazing at your multiplication Ninja Minutes! You are blowing me away with how fast you are catching on! You are all going to have stacks of belts by the end of the year. However, things are going to get tougher as we go, just like getting a real black belt! So, your homework before we get back from Chinese New Year, is to construct yourself a set of flashcards you can use to practice your multiplication tables! (We will get to division later). You can make them however you like, but I've included some examples. I think a great idea is to include the numbers in Mandarin too so you can practice that! Remember what I showed you on the board for an example? Here are a couple others as well. Decorate, color, do whatever you wish.. these are your set to practice with! Because practice makes (almost) perfect!