Thursday, May 16, 2019

Ancient China Websites

These are all websites that you can use for your Ancient China booklet.

Why don't we use Wikipedia for research? - Because anybody can go in there and switch the writing up. They can go in and give you bad information! It can be a good place to start for quick reference, but you never know who and when it was last updated, and if the person really knew what they were talking about!

Math Homework Due Tuesday

Along with your math quiz corrections if you want to learn from your mistakes and improve your grade!

From Question 1-2 to help you if you forget..

Our other example:

  1. How many people have a red nose?
    1. Answer: 50
    2. Justification: There are 50 purple dots showing how many people have a red nose
  2. How many people have a red nose OR no red nose?
    1. Answer: 100
    2. Justification: There are 50 people who have a red nose, and 50 people who have no red nose so we add them together.
  3. How many people have a red nose AND an umbrella?
    1. Answer: 16
    2. Justification: We are looking for numbers that have both the blue and purple dot, there are 16 with BOTH.
  4. How many people have a red nose OR an umbrella?
    1. Answer: 67
    2. Justification: We need to look for either a purple dot or a blue dot and count them 
  5. How many people have a red nose AND an umbrella AND are walking a cat on a leash?
    1. Answer: 3
  6. How many people have a red nose AND an umbrella AND are walking a cat on a leash OR riding a horse?
    1. Answer: 10