Friday, April 12, 2019

Remember you have a math test on Monday! You need to be able to:

  • Estimate numbers to find the sum (+) and difference (-)
  • Add and subtract showing your work and your steps (borrowing, carrying)
  • Find out the amount of change/bills you should get back when you purchase something. 
You can spend some time reviewing the homework I've posted, working with money, or practicing on Prodigy or Freckle. Remember, when we did our Plickers reviews you should know where you struggled to ensure that is where you continue practicing!

***REMEMBER: You need to read the question, to ensure you are answering it correctly.. like: Estimate, THEN calculate!

Save the Rainforest!

Today we learned a bit about the different rainforests around the world. They are all over and close to the equator. Costa Rica, Brazil, Madagascar, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, and of course... MALAYSIA all have rainforests. We need to be careful about what we do so that we do not help the destruction of the rainforests around the world. We need them because they produce... oxygen!