Sunday, February 17, 2019


Today you are going to start writing an Autobiography... what is an autobiography you might ask? It is an account or history of your life, written by you! They are very similar to a biography - where somebody else writes about a persons life.

Watch these to see more of what an Autobiography is and how to write it, as well as listen to an biography of Albert Einstein! Remember, we also learned and read a book about Nikola Tesla. These are stories about a persons life, you are going to write a story about your life!

Place Value

Place Value, Digits, Decimal Points - Important math stuff!

Try this at home for homework: Ordering Whole Numbers! Click here!

Light and Shadows

What we have learned so far:

- The difference between natural and artificial light
- Emitting and reflecting light
- Light travels in a straight line

Here is another video on light, and some questions you can answer afterwards!

What about reflection, refraction, and absorption?