Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Expanded, Standard, and Written Form

Click here to review the different ways we can express numbers!

And place this game after to practice what you know about place value 👉 Click here!

Homework & Curriculum Update

I've been checking, and I can see that not too many people have been practicing on XtraMath/Prodigy or reading on Raz Kids. You should be practicing on a daily basis so you keep getting stronger!

Please spend at least half an hour tonight on homework: whether it be finishing up your autobiography paper with your parents (YOU write NOT your parents), doing a round of XtraMath or two, battling on Prodigy, or cracking open a book at home or on RazKids. The more you practice the better you are going to get! ***It's also interesting how those students who never practice on these programs at home (I can see how much you practice) are the ones who also struggle in class!***

A big congratulations to Christian!! He is our first classmate to make it through addition on Xtra Math!! I will have a treat for you when I get back 👍😀

Parents: Here is the curriculum document that shows an outline of what we will be covering this year. It is fluid for some of the concepts like social studies, as we have the ability to sway off course based on student interests. Click here to see the powerpoint presentation!