Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Congratulations YinHao, Yiang Yiang, and Emily

Wowza!! Our first Master of Everything.. EMILY!!! She made it through and doesn't need to play on XtraMath anymore.. well done Emily!

Joining her this week is YinHao in Addition and Yiang Yang in Subtraction..

Keep up the amazing work ladies and gentlemen!

Visualization and History

Today we did a walk back in time on the same spot, hundreds to thousands to millions of years ago. We worked on visualizing the words as they are read to us, and then checking the pictures to see if it matches what we visualized. It is crazy how much the world can change, and how each spot, like our classroom, could have been underwater, a mountain, or maybe a volcano many, many, MANY years ago (or maybe all of the above).

Crazy Hair Day