Friday, June 14, 2019

Summer Holidays Work

Please have your child review math work, use Freckle and Prodigy and especially reading.

The research is clear that children who don't read during the summer can lose up to three to six months of reading progress and that loss has a cumulative, long-term effect.

See research here:

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Math Fact Masters

We have 3 students who have passed all of the levels thus far.. Congratulations to Evan, Lukas, and Emily!! They are done their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts!

We also have JaeNa who has mastered multiplication and Kai Xin who mastered addition! Great job kiddos! Keep practicing over the holidays to keep your math game strong!

Math Homework

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Scratch Coding

Hi kiddos..

Sign up for your own Scratch account by clicking on the link. This is where you will create your own google logos etc!

Go watch the tutorials here:

Then go here: to actually do it! When you are done, you can take a picture of your new logo to post on your class dojo portfolio with one of the Ipads :)

Then move onto the minecraft coding, or another of your choice from the link I posted with the Flappy Birds below :)

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Make Your Own Flappy Bird Game

This morning.. we delve into the world of coding.. You are going to work with your own Flappy Bird Game.. Click here to get to the website, remember to watch the videos and follow the directions! - NO MINECRAFT YET!!!!