Thursday, March 28, 2019

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Homework Alert

Students! You have a Venn Diagram to finish for social studies.
You need at least 5 things for "people of the past" and 5 things for "People today." As well as 3 things for the middle section, which is common to both people in the past and people today. You should be writing it in full sentences! I have posted the sheet on Class Dojo if it somehow doesn't make it home, ask your parents!

There are pictures below you can review or check more into if you need help comparing the two!!

The Recess Queen

#bookaday challenge - Still on the Anti-Bullying Month with this one with a "Mean Jean!"

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Ancient Civilizations

Take a look at these pictures depicting the lives in ancient civilizations. We are going to be talking about ancient history... what does history even mean?

Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon

Our #bookaday readaloud for today - We will be reading a book a day (especially for our Spring into Reading Month!)

Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon

Monday, March 25, 2019

New Math Masters!

A belated congrats to Evan for passing addition and congratulations to Emily, she's flew through subtraction and multiplication!! Wow!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

My Mouth is a Volcano!

We have a couple "Volcano Mouths" in our classroom, what can we do so our mouths don't erupt?

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Sound can be absorbed and reflected

Two more properties of sound:
1. Sound can be absorbed
2. Sound can be reflected (also known as an ECHO!)

Stick and Stone

We read and discussed this book today.. here is is so you can share it with family and friends!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Math Homework

Reminder: you should ALSO be reading EVERY night on Raz Kids!! Plus practicing your flashcards and/or XtraMath! The more you practice the better you get.. at everything!


For - And - Nor - But - Or - Yet - So

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Congrats to Emily and Christian!!

Christian is our first master of subtraction and Emily is our newest master of addition!! Good job guys!! And some of you are sooooo close to joining them!! Keep up the good work :)

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Math Homework for Tonight

I've made a few notes for some of the students in their books that they need to fix. Here is the homework page. They need to do 3-6 and use our estimation strategies, not just add it.
Due Friday.

Addition & Estimation

Alright, I've had a change to look over our Addition Math pretests! Most of you did amazing! Some of you already know a lot of the concepts we will be covering this year! Yay!! However, there were a couple places we struggled.

Did you know that the words sum, add, addition, plus are all SYNONYMS!! This means they all mean the same thing! We want to find the SUM of two or more numbers, we find it by doing ADDITION!
Here is a few more that you can look for in your word problems/story problems:

Estimation was somewhere many of us struggled with, so that is what we will be learning about today.

When we estimate a number, we are making a guess at what the number will be close to by using clues that are provided.

For example: If I want to estimate about how many beads I have to make a necklace. I have 34 BLUE beads, 79 PURPLE beads, 29 GREEN beads, and 56 ORANGE beads, I can round these numbers to make it easier for me to add in my head:

30 Blue beads
80 Purple beads
30 Green beads
60 Orange beads
I can now add in my head: 30+80+30+60 is around 200 beads! 

What about for the larger numbers we have been using?

Mr. Dan had 1445 books and Mrs. Taylor had 791 books. Estimate how many books the grade 3 teachers had altogether.

We can estimate to the nearest 1000, nearest 500, and nearest 100.

Nearest 1000:
Mr. Dan has about 1000 books and Mrs. Taylor has about 1000 books, so they have around 2000 books altogether. 
Nearest 500:
Mr. Dan has about 1500 books and Mrs. Taylor has about 1000 books, so they have around 2500 books altogether
Nearest 100:
Mr. Dan has about 1400 books and Mrs. Taylor has about 800 books, so they have around 2400 books altogether.

Which estimation is the closest or most accurate?

For some extra help head over to BrainPop for videos and games:
or Scholastic Study Jams

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Sentence Fragments - Synonyms & Antonyms

We are on Day 2 of our Weekly Language Review!

On Day 2 we learn about:
  1. Root Words: This is the word without a suffix or prefix - like the word "Elect" is the root word of "Election" or "Dance" is the root word of dancing, danced, dances.
  2. Idioms: A combination of words that have a different FIGURATIVE meaning than the implied LITERAL meaning. For example, when we say "Cool as a cucumber" we don't mean you are cold like a cucumber that has been in the fridge.. we mean your are stay cool or chill, not freaking out!
  3. Synonyms: We can use a thesaurus to find the synonyms of words. Synonyms are other words we can use that mean the same thing. For example for funny we can use: hillarious, or goofy, or comedy.
  4. Antonyms are the opposite of synonyms - they mean the opposite of the word - For example the opposite of cool is warm, happy and sad, mean and nice.
Sentence Fragments

Remember: A subject is what we are talking about in our sentence, and a predicate is what the subject is doing (usually a verb or action word). To have a complete sentence we need both the subject and predicate or we call it a sentence fragment!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Homework Alert

Students have a worksheet to do for homework tonight on Subjects and Predicates.
Please see below for visual on subject and predicate, there is also a little blurb at the top of the sheet. We completed some in class today. This is extra practice so we can move onto something else tomorrow!

This is work that will help us build sentences, complete sentences!! Seeing you all heard my blurb on why we need to have complete sentences! Please check out the video below if you are unclear on sentence fragments and subject & predicate (verb),


Language Review:

Subject: who or what the sentence is about
Predicate:  tells about that subject
Adjectivea word naming an attribute of a noun, such as sweetred, or loud.
Noun: a word used to identify a person, place, or thing
Verb: an action word: jumping, running, writing.

Complete Sentences

We are learning how to make our writing stronger. One of the things we need to work on is having COMPLETE sentences!

We need a subject (what the sentence is about) and a verb (action word). A sentence also needs to have a complete thought, meaning that you are able to understand from the sentence, without asking what is missing. We know who the sentence is about, and what is happening!
The students are playing tag on the playground.
Mrs. Jessie is going to the library after school.
The grey kitten eats a furry mouse.
The fireworks explode loudly in the night sky.

Now, you are going to use your new found knowledge to identify sentence fragments and add the foldable into your Daily 5 Books. Make sure to colour it up nicely!

Friday, March 8, 2019

The return of.... Mrs. Jessie

Hi kiddos and parents!!

Good news, my leg is sewn up with many stitches and I should be able to return to work next week! I have to go see him Sunday, and probably a few more times, but I should be okay to rejoin you Monday if all goes well! The doctor gave me an additional 3 weeks off, but I will just be taking it easy, using crutches and rolling around on my office chair to help ensure my stitches don't rip out. What an eventful start to the year. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this rough start, and also a huge thank you to Ms. Aisyah for doing an amazing job taking over for me!! 💖

I am looking forward to being back. The bad news is we have progress reports going home shortly, and after being away for a month, it has been a bit hard for me to assess students regularly. That means that the next couple weeks are going to be jammed packed with me doing some reading assessments, a science quiz (see below), and some more Ninja Math Minutes to help me get a more accurate read of you! We might have a couple gaps in the assessments, so I do appologize in advance for that. Bad timing!

So.. what can you do to make sure you are ready?

  1. Practice those math facts! Especially your flashcards for your Ninja Minutes so you get new belts next week. Practice on Xtra Math so that I can add you to my Addition Masters! Some of you are so close to joining Christian, Yiang Yang, JaeNa, and Lukas! Keep going and persevere!
    1. PARENTS: Please remember to sign up for the parent account that goes with your student's Prodigy account. It will allow you to track their progress and support them at home on concepts they may be struggling on. The regular use of Prodigy at home also allows me to track growth and progress and identify individual students who may need more support. 
  2. Science Quiz - Review the videos. I am going to focus on light only to start off with, because I am not sure how much sound you covered. What are the properties of light? Can you explain them? How does light travel? How are we able to see different colours? What does transparent, opaque, translucent, refraction, and reflection mean? You will be writing this next Thursday! So you will have time to bring your science home to study as well. Review, review, review!
  3. We are also going to be doing what I call a "Quick Write." Ms. Bonnie and Ms. Aisyah were nice enough to send me home your Daily 5 books so that I could see how your writing has been going. We are going to keep practicing these upcoming weeks. A couple things I will be looking for:
    1. Does your sentence start with a capital letter and end with the appropriate punctuation?
    2. Are your sentences complete and do they make sense?
    3. Does your writing flow and fully explain your thinking?
We are going to be moving into some more paragraph writing as well as writing conventions this week. Some of us are still struggling with writing in complete sentences. Have a chat with your parents or your older siblings about using full sentences and the importance of punctuation.. because...

See you Monday!

Congratulations Lukas - Our Newest Master of Addition

Keep up the good work! I'm glad to see so many of you working so hard on your math facts and prodigy! Way to go Lukas! You'll get a treat next week 😊