Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Lessons for Tuesday March 31st

Hi Students! Here are your daily tasks for Tuesday, March 31st - Make sure you stay up to date with your studies! Read all the way through to make sure you don't miss the good stuff I have once you are done all the other stuff!


1. I have 8 students who did not login to Prodigy yesterday 😞 - So if you did not log in to Prodigy yesterday, please do it today - at least 10 questions, please!

2. One round of XtraMath

3. I have posted the new chapter on Google Classroom for you. Today I would like you to do page 86 & 87 which is a review from Grade 3. I have attached some extra help pages on Google Classroom to help you, and I have also sent them to your parents! These pages will help you progress through the steps - they are the scaffolding steps to make it easier on you. This math can be handed in upon return.

OPTIONAL: I've sent your parents a tricky puzzle that has you connecting the dots, but never drawing the same line twice... ask them to print it out for you if you have a printer and ger your coloured pencils or markers out. Good luck - it's tricky!


1. Musical Instruments - I am still missing 12 students final Musical Instrument Flipgrid video - Please check your emails to see if you finished or not. I had emailed all students who I did not have a final copy from last night in their @sunwayeducation.info emails. You need to create an instrument and follow the steps of the assignment. If you or your parents are confused or don't know what I am talking about please ask for clarification. This was due last Friday and Ms. Soltes needed it to continue on with her lessons.

2. The new lesson for today: Objects that emit and remit light. 

Step 1: Watch the video I posted on Google Classroom

Step 2: Answer the questions on the sheet attached to ensure you understand the difference between objects that emit and reflect light.

*** I will be posting some Quizizz for you to check to see if you have been paying attention to the last two science lessons this week.. so if you haven't, make sure you review the videos!


1. I am now missing 6 student's writing from 2 weeks ago and 6 from last week. Thank you to those students who got their work in. If you're not done yet, please get it done as soon as possible so I can give you feedback!

2. 11 Students have still not logged into Study Ladder to work on their tasks. I would like you to go through at least 3 activities on Study Ladder and practice their Language Skills.  I sent study ladder logins to your parent's emails and your email, so check with them for instructions!

3. Read at least 20 minutes of sustained reading, you can choose to read Epic, Raz Kids, or a book. 

Social Studies:

We are going to begin some social studies tasks this week. Please begin thinking about the following questions to share later this week on the Flipgrid:

  • When you look outside your window what do you see?
  • What kind of buildings do you see?
  • What types of bodies of water are near you?
  • What type of animals do you see in your community?  


Music: Please see Ms. Soltes Blog for more information

Malay: Posted on Google Classroom

Art: Mo Willems

How to draw... a UNICORN!! My Favorite.. 

A great Read-Aloud for you - A favourite of mine...:

Go Noodle For you - 2 options:

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