Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday, April 16th Learning

Happy Thursday 4A!

We will have a live check-in at 10:00 am - please see the post below on how to access our Google Meet. You do not have to join if you do not want to. If you want to say hi or if you have any questions we will be on there from about 10:00 - 10:15 or so. Remember to mute your microphone when you join and practice respectful listening.


1. Xtra Math - Thank you to Tiffany, Norocos, Ming Kee, Maranelo, Jayvier, Jayden, and Gianna who practiced on Wednesday when I checked around dinner time! If you did it during the day and your name isn't on my list it is because you didn't finish all the way until the end. Remember - you need to go completely to the end where it tells you to log out or you are done!

2. Prodigy or Study Ladder - 20-30 minutes at least
3. Finish Topic 1 of your math booklet (posted on Google Classroom) - Remember to look at previous posts as I have attached videos to help you with the different addition topics!

OPTIONAL MATH: A Stitch in Time - Make sure you use the table on the bottom right to help you if you plan to try this out - Click here


I've posted a few labs you can complete this week if you have the materialsIt is on Google Classroom. 

I will also be posting some cool Tynker Light lessons too. In order for you to be ready to do the coding part, you need to work through at least 3 tasks on Tynker - see the coding lessons on Google Classroom and pick and choose which ones you want to do. If your device doesn't allow Tynker - that is okay too! You can watch the videos I am posting to Google Classroom instead.

Tynker lessons are posted on Google Classroom for you! When you are done, it's okay if there is no option for you to turn in - I can see who is done on Tynker. If you can't access Tynker or it's too hard, please refer to the above instructions.


I posted your "World Pals" lesson on Tuesday - Check below and/or Google Classroom for instructions. 

Maranelo made an AWESOME Flipgrid that can be seen if you follow the link posted on Google Classroom.
A reminder that there is also a how-to video I recorded for you to help them use Flipgrid posted on Google Classroom. There should not be any excuse of "I didn't know how to do it" if you watched the video!

LANGUAGE: Make sure you review the recorded lesson videos I posted below if you need help!

1. Day 4 of Reading Comprehension is posted - Thank you to those students who are doing it every day! I am giving feedback when it is turned in! I will not be posting the Google Forms any longer - they were very time consuming and not enough of you were using them - so please click here for a video to support you in completing these: it talks about adding extra pages & pictures to your documents!

2. Thursday of Words Their Way - Alphabetic order - Link on Google Classroom

3. Continue working on your rough drafts of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" - I gave a 25 minute recorded lesson - posted on the blog for those who need assistance!

4. Read at least 20 minutes - Your choice!

MANDARIN: Posted on Google Classroom

MUSIC: All e-learning modules for Music classes will be posted on the Music Blog from March 18 to April 14. Follow this link to access the blog:

Students will be asked to log in each time they want to access the Grade 4 Blog. The information posted on Google Classroom

Please note, there is a lesson posted every week. Each lesson requires students to submit work online and/or share their thoughts and ideas through the Music Blog. Students are asked to complete all learning tasks to the best of their ability.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms Soltes directly.

PE: Posted on Google Classroom

EXTRAS: Study Ladder, XtraMath, Freckle, Raz Kids, Epic, etc.

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