Monday, April 13, 2020

Monday April 13th Work

Hey 4A! Please remember that most of your work is on Google Classroom!


Video Check in lesson on how to navigate through our assigned work - Click here

1. One round on XtraMath - make sure you make it until the end when he tells you to log out!

2. At least 20 minutes on Prodigy

3. I need you to finish "Topic 1" in your math booklets by FRIDAY - You have all week to work on it. How do you know if it is Topic 1? Well... check in the BOTTOM RIGHT or LEFT of every page - It will say the series and the topic number. If you've hit Topic 2 - you are in subtraction and have gone too far!

- Send it to me when you are done - on Kami, by getting your parents to scan it in, or send me a message and let me know it is done, but you will bring it to school when we go back

PLEASE remember I have posted videos to assist you completing the math package in previous day's lessons - you may need to scroll down to find them in the last week's posts!

Optional Math: TESSELATIONS - Click here


Please click on the following link for a video to help you with how to do your Words Their Way and Reading Comprehension: Click here for video

1. We are starting Words Their Way today - Today is your initial sort - I have posted it on Google Classroom for you. You can fill in the Google Document or you can write it out on paper. If you write it out, please ask your parents to check it for you to see if your words are in the right place - they have the answer sheet!

2. Reading Comprehension Day 1 - It is posted on Google Classroom for you. 

  • You can complete the Google form that is attached if you want feedback right away - please note the strategy practice I have to mark so you wont get a grade back until I have checked. 
  • OR: you can use Kami to write on the PDF - Just click "Turn In" when you are done so I know to check it.
  • OR: You can complete it on a printed copy or just write down the answers to send to me at the end of the week or bring back to school
3. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie - Please send me the rough draft table of your story - please pay close attention to the instructions. I have edited and given feedback on those who have sent it to me. Please pay close attention to the way the story ends in ALL of the stories I have shown you, along with the video I provided in Thursday's lesson. PLEASE return to it if you do not remember and watch it again!

4. If done - Buddy read to somebody!


I've posted a few labs you can complete this week if you have the materials. It is on Google Classroom. 

I will also be posting some cool Tynker Light lessons too. In order for you to be ready to do the coding part, you need to work through at least 3 tasks on Tynker - see the coding lessons on Google Classroom and pick and choose which ones you want to do. If your device doesn't allow Tynker - that is okay too! You can watch the videos I am posting to Google Classroom instead.

SWIMMING: Please see Google Classroom for your lesson

MANDARIN: Please see Google Classroom for your lesson


Please check your Gmail accounts to see your lesson progress and if you are missing any work at this time. I sent an email to each of you outlining what you have missing. If you have work missing please finish it as soon as possible.


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