Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday, April 2 - Lessons

Almost at the end of the week!


1. One round of Xtra Math - Make sure you complete the full round until it tells you to sign out!

2. Prodigy Math Do at least 5 battles!

3. Optional Math: I have attached a really great problem that your family could work together on to the email I sent your parents... it also comes with a cookie recipe if you feel like doing some baking!


You get to start doing your Flipgrid with the students from all over the world! Please look on Google Classroom for the links and instructions! Here is the start of it:

Step 1: Use the link posted on Google Classroom to make your Flipgrid video responding to the questions posted about what you see in Malaysia - outside their window, what type of buildings, animals, and bodies of water. - Remember - if you are not familiar with how to use Flipgrid - I posted a video on Google Classroom to show you how to make a Flipgrid response and respond to your peers.


Step 2: Watch videos students have posted from other countries ON FLIPGRID and pick out something interesting you learned and write it into a document I have shared on Google Classroom. (This document is on the same part as the Flipgrid above)

Step 3: If you want you can start responding to some of the other students from different countries.

Please catchup on Instruments, Artificial & Natural Light, and Objects that Emit or Reflect light. If these don't look familiar it means you did not do them. Please go back into Google Classroom and scroll to find them!


1. Read at least 20 minutes - your choice of Raz, Epic, or books
2. Finish their Mad Lib from yesterday - I only heard Ming Kee's - Did anybody else do one? Ming Kee said to not get eaten by a swimming pool...  It's called BEARS - Again, if this does not sound familiar, please go back and look on Google Classroom!
3. Study Ladder - Practice at least 3 tasks  - Ask your parents for your login!

Mandarin - See Google Classroom

Music - See Ms. Soltes Blog (link is on my blog at or posted to Google Classroom)

PE - Also posted to Google Classroom

Fun Activities:

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