Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday, April 30th Online Learning

Today is our final day of Spring Into Reading - You are invited to dress up as your favourite book character! 

You can send me a picture or share it to the Spring Into Reading section of our Flipgrid! 

Alternatively, you can also show us during our Google Meets at 10 am. 

Instructions for how to get onto Google Meets or use Flipgrid can be found here: 

Some of you are ready to share your version of your "If You Give a _____ a _____" so you can share it on our Google Meet. If you are too shy to share, or not finished yet, that is okay too! We can share them next week, you can read it to us on Flipgrid, or bring it back to class when we eventually go back!

We are also going to try out a new review game I found called Gimkit. Please watch this video below before our 10 am meeting if you can to familiarize yourself with the game. We are going to try and see if I can do it with you through a Google Meet!

Google Meet will be posted at 9:55 on the Google Classroom Stream homepage. Please do not ask me for the code! Just follow the directions and click on the link in Google Classroom when it appears at 9:55 am. 


  1. Complete day 2 of reading comprehension - Posted on Google Classroom
  2. Read for at least 20 minutes via Raz Kids, Epic, or your choice of book
  3. Mad Libs: We are "Going on a Dig" today - Video Recording of how to complete a Mad Lib found here: Click here. (Mad Lib Posted on Google Classroom)
  4. Some of you did not follow the directions from the Share Jumper from Monday. Thank you to Norocos, Tiffany, and Ming Kee who followed all 4 steps correctly! Please take a look on Google classroom and at Monday's blog post below!

  1. Keep working on Topic 3 & 4 of your math booklets - Booklet posted on Google Classroom & the slides/video lessons for these are found here: Addition & Subtraction Slides - Due May 11th - Please do not turn into me until you are done all of Topic 3 & 4
  2. Practice one round on XtraMath. There are about 8 students that are super close to passing their level! If you want to know how close they are, you can send me a message on Google Hangouts! 
  3. Practice for at least 20 minutes on either Prodigy/Freckle/Study Ladder Math tasks.
  4. Optional Math: Four Square and Ten. This is a numbers puzzle kind of like a Sudoku puzzle. Reminder: Sum is another word for addition. Click here for the problem. I've sent your parents instructions on how to find the answers.
MUSIC: A message from Ms. Soltes: 
Hello 4A! If you haven't already, please visit the Music page for this week's lesson. We continue to focus on note naming practice with an activity called, CodeMaker! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, get in touch with me via email or through Google Hangouts. Here's the login information for the Grade 4 blog:
username: guest_username
password: guest_password

MANDARIN: Lesson posted on Google Classroom

PE: Lesson to be posted on Google Classroom

Extra Website Resources (Click on the name to go directly to that website): 
Prodigy - Note: apparently they have been doing some updates, so things might look a bit different. It is still the same game!
Xtra Math - If you need login email again please send me an email
Epic! Code XUM5873
Freckle - Class Code: Chisle
Study Ladder - If you need login information again, please send me an email
Brain Pop: Username: Sunwayiskandar Password: bpop
4A Flipgrid or Worldpals Flipgrid - Students need to log in with their student emails. 

There is no school on Friday, so enjoy your long weekend (as much as you can at this point).

I can be contacted via Google Hangouts or email between 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. If you need assistance on how to use Google Hangouts please click here.

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