Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tuesday, April 14th Lessons

Hey hey 4A! I will be posting a Google Meets session if you would like to join up and say hi or ask any questions you might have. I will post on Google Classroom for it to start at 10am


1. Xtra Math - one round!

2. Prodigy - Spend at least 20 minutes

3. Topic 1 of your math booklet (assigned on Google Classroom) should be complete for Friday - Please see previous posts below for videos to support your progress in this. You can also watch this video from me on how to figure out which topic you are on and where you find instructions!
Click here for the instructional video

Some of you are still struggling with the "Near Doubles" strategy - there is an additional video down in a post from last week. Please check it out. You can also take a look at this video:

Optional Math: How Great Is Your Number - Click here - You will need dice for this - if you do not have any dice at home you can click here for virtual dice: https://www.google.com/search?q=dice+roller - Remember the optional math does not need to be handed in. It is an extra challenge for you!


I've posted a few labs you can complete this week if you have the materialsIt is on Google Classroom. 

I will also be posting some cool Tynker Light lessons too. In order for you to be ready to do the coding part, you need to work through at least 3 tasks on Tynker - see the coding lessons on Google Classroom and pick and choose which ones you want to do. If your device doesn't allow Tynker - that is okay too! You can watch the videos I am posting to Google Classroom instead.


Click here for a video that shows you how to access Words Their Way and your Reading Comprehension!
1. Tuesday of Words Their Way - Check your assignment tab - if you pressed "turned in" to me on Monday after completing your word sort - I will have given you feedback!

2. Reading Comprehension Day 2 - Same as yesterday - Use Kami, use the attached Google Form, print it out to send to me at the end of the week, or write down your answers to email me later.

3. If You Give A Mouse a Cookie - Rough Drafts - I have posted your next section on Google Classroom along with a video to support the lesson progression. PLEASE watch the video BEFORE you try to work through the assignment!

Note: Some of you have not finished the previous planning assignment - Please check your email for a lesson from me if I have not received your planning work from last week! I will send a message to parents as well just checking in if I haven't received your work yet - if you do not have a mark for it, it means I have not received it!
  • Due by next Monday with the Rough Draft so I can edit and give pointers. Again, fill into the document provided, email, fill out on paper and scan, attach to lesson, attach to email etc. Whatever works best for you. 
4. Read - Choice of material


We have a new Flipgrid with our World Pals from all over the world - Ghana, India, Russia, New Zealand, US, Brazil etc. 

These are the questions they are answering this time:
What types of games do you play in your country? These can be video games, board games, sports, etc.
What is your favorite game?
Show us! 
It is posted on Google Classroom along with the link to get to our shared World Pals Flipgrid - If you don't know how to use Flipgrid - Remember I posted a video on our stream of how to log in and use it!

Click on the Classwork tab - Click on the Social Studies topic and you will find the Flipgrid there for you!

MUSIC: All e-learning modules for Music classes will be posted on the Music Blog from March 18 to April 14. Follow this link to access the blog: https://sismusicedu.weebly.com/grade-4.html

Students will be asked to log in each time they want to access the Grade 4 Blog. Here are the login details:
Username: guest_username
Password: guest_password

Please note, there is a lesson posted every week. Each lesson requires students to submit work online and/or share their thoughts and ideas through the Music Blog. Students are asked to complete all learning tasks to the best of their ability.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms Soltes directly at natalias@sunwayeducation.info.

MALAY: On Google Classroom


Keep working on Coding if you like!

Spend some time on Freckle, Epic, Raz Kids, Study Ladder, respond to some of your friends on the Flipgrid - check out some of the amazing videos I have highlighted on our Flipgrid! 

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