Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wednesday, April 8th Home Learning Plan

Good Morning 4A!

We are halfway through our week because Friday is a holiday! Lucky us right? Going anywhere nice? I am planning a nice trip to my Kitchen! Maybe I will bake some cookies 😉

Just a reminder if you have not got the Kami application downloaded or don't know how to use it yet, PLEASE watch the following video:

I had a few of you turn things in without anything on it. Please make sure you have followed the directions in the video and are opening your documents with Kami.

Nobody did the Alphabet Treasure Hunt but Sophia and me... how sad! Mine is posted on Flipgrid! Remember to get to Flipgrid you need to go onto Google Classroom and click the Flipgrid link and login with your login

*** I am missing a few student's Social Studies - the have not posted on Flipgrid and/or filled out the Google document after watching the other students from around the world's videos... if you haven't finished please finish it as soon as possible! It was due last night!


1. Read for AT LEAST 20 minutes - your choice: book/magazine/comics, Raz Kids, Epic - there's even some reading tasks on Freckle and Study Ladder for you!

2. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie - Those of you who turned in your Tuesday work will notice I have given you feedback! Thank you!

Please complete the work labelled Wednesday, April 8th - You are learning about alliterations today! You do not have to turn anything in today unless you didn't turn anything into me yesterday!

3. Mad Lib Wacky Wednesday - I have posted another Mad Lib for you! This one I would like you to do with Kami if you can... if it is really funny, you are welcome to share the whole story on Flipgrid to give us a laugh. I might share mine if I make my own. Today's is a Vacation Dialogue!

#2 & 3# are posted under the classwork tab on Google Classroom.


1. Practice on XtraMath - until it tells you you are done for the day and to log out!

2. Practice AT LEAST 20 minutes on Prodigy

3. Work on your math booklet as posted on Google Classroom. Remember: to find out what level you are look at the front page of the booklet (it will say "Series B" or "Series C") or look at the name of your file when you click into it on Google Classroom - Level A - Your name.

***For those of you who pressed "turned in" I have marked whatever you had and sent it back to you. Please remember you need to "turn in" to me to signal to me there is something for me to mark for you!

Level A - Pg 6 -10
Level B - Pg 5 - 10
Level C - Pg 5 - 10
Level D - Pg 4 - 7
Level E - Pg 3 - 7

***If you did not do the previous pages, please get caught up!

Here are some videos to help you: I have also created Khan Academy logins (where the videos come from) if you want to log in and get points for watching the videos and doing the practice. You can log in with your school Google account!  

You can also practice by clicking here or by clicking here and working through the different videos and practice. (4 Videos and 3 Practice activities to ensure you get what the lesson is about) - remember - you can now log in to Khan Academy too :)

OPTIONAL: Chameleon Gridwalk - Help Chester the Chameleon travel the coloured grid - Click here


1. I have an article on Light and some questions for you to answer: Click here to get to it

2. There is also a Quizizz posted for you under the Science Classwork tab to review the lessons from last week on Natural and Artificial Light and Objects that emit and reflect light.
***If this doesn't sound familiar to you, take a look at last week's blog posts for the lesson instructions.

MANDARIN/MALAY: Both are posted on Google Classroom for you

PE/SWIMMING: They have also posted some work for you to complete this week, please check under the PE/SWIMMING tab

EXTRAS: Optional activities

Coding: Easter Activity for you posted to Tynker - along with others, follow the link under the coding topic in Google classroom classwork



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