Thursday, May 7, 2020

Long Weekend Catch-up!

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For those of you checking over the weekend...

Please get yourself caught up on your assignments over the weekend.

To Check Google Classroom for what you need to finish: 

1. Go to Google Classroom.
2. Click on the "Classwork" tab
3. Click on the "show your work" which is circled in pink.

Also, check the blog posts below to ensure you've completed your tasks such as: Flipgrid, Prodigy, Words Their Way, Reading Comprehension, Science Booklet about carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, etc. Your Addition/Subtraction Math Booklets, and your Social Studies Global stories Flipgrid.

Also, don't forget to make a paper plate clock! Check Wednesday's post if you have no idea what I am talking about!

I've noticed that a lot of you haven't been logging into Epic to read the books I have provided you to assist you with your lessons. Epic has created a new tool for teachers... it allows to see me who has been reading each day! I can see that Aroush, Gianna, Jayden, Jayvier, Maranelo, Ming Kee, Norocos, Rachel, Sophia, and Tiffany all read on Epic! and must have followed my directions and done their class assignments this week!

Those who practiced hard on XtraMath: Aroush, Gianna, Irin, Jayden, Jayvier, Maranelo, Ming Kee, Norocos, Rae-E, Sophia, Tiffany, and Yu Wei!

Prodigy top 5: Maranelo, Ming Kee, Jayvier, Tiffany, Jayden

Study Ladder Top 5: Jayvier, Alston, Gianna, Maranelo, Tiffany

Raz Kids Top 5: Rachel, Yunzhi, MinYou, Irin, Norocos

Freckle: Gianna and Anuj were practicing hard on Freckle this week!

I'm also going to ask you to do a reading assessment on Raz Kids over the next week. Please log onto your Raz Kids and look for the assessment icon that looks like this:
Click on the assessment, then click on the book or passage provided for you: 
You will then be asked if you have enough time (10-15 minutes) and you will have to record yourself reading and answer a few questions! This is for me to see how your reading is going and if I should adjust your level. 

Remember: At very least you should be reading 20 minutes every day! This will make sure your reading gets better!

Have a good long weekend!

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