Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thursday, May 28th Lesson Outline

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I hope you had a nice and relaxing long weekend!

Please note that due to a school appointment and scheduling conflict I will not be available for live chat Thursday afternoon. I will be available from 9 am - 10:30 am for live chat, as well as during our regularly scheduled Google Meet at 10 am. A reminder about office hours: My office hours are posted for school days: 8 am-3 pm Monday to Thursday and Friday 8 am-12 pm. This does not include holidays. If you are trying to contact me outside of these hours I cannot guarantee I will be able to return the message before my next set of office hours.

LANGUAGE (1-1.5 hours):

  1. Catch up on previous reading comprehension tasks, we will start on Week 12 on Monday.

  2. Read for at least 20 minutes via Raz Kids, Epic, or your choice of book - remember we need 9000 minutes for our reading party! We are only at 3903 minutes and we have only 2 weeks left to go! EEK!! I hope you can all double those minutes! Some of you aren't reading at all, why not?

  3. There is a Word Search posted on Google Classroom to be completed for your Words Their Way word sets for today. Make sure you are caught up on the other parts too!

  4. Wonder Novel Study - Listen to 15-20 minutes of the book daily. Remember - the book is posted on the Digital Classroom above (click on the Wonder book cover).

  5. Sentence Fragments - today we are learning about sentence fragments! This is a continuation from last weeks subject and predicate (peanut butter and jelly) so if you didn't complete that, make sure you go and get caught up!

So.. first.. watch this video on sentence fragments:

Then, head on over to the Google Classroom for the assignment pages, they are just like last weeks ;)

We will have our regular scheduled Google Meet at 10 am to discuss this a bit further. 

MATH (1 hr):

We have now finished a unit on Addition & Subtraction and a Unit on Time. 

I’ve noted that only 6 students have completed their “Sleepover Math” assignment at this point. Therefore, I will give you additional time to continue working on it. Please see the slideshow here for supporting material. 

Prodigy, XtraMath and/or Study Ladder for those of you who have completed your work. You choose which one!  

SCIENCE (1 hr): 

As mentioned last week, you should have finished up some of your booklet pages including putting important definitions into your own words.

Today I have posted a Quizizz for you to match up the definitions. This will be posted on Google Classroom for you! You will have 2 opportunities to complete this. ***If you start a Quizizz, you need to finish it, otherwise it wastes one of your 2 opportunities!

There are also a few books about Adaptations posted above in the Digital Classroom - click on one to read it!

MANDARIN: Lesson posted on Google Classroom - email Ms. Sara @Saraniya M Murthy


A message from Ms. Soltes: 

Hello 4A! If you haven't already, please visit the Music page for this week's lesson. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, get in touch with me via email or through Google Hangouts. Here's the login information for the Grade 4 blog:

username: guest_username

password: guest_password

Email Ms. Soltes - @Natalia Soltes

PE: Lesson to be posted on Google Classroom - email: Mr. Matthew or Ms. Azmina -  @Matthew Ford @Nur Azmina 

Extra Website Resources (Click on the name to go directly to that website): 



Prodigy - Note: apparently they have been doing some updates, so things might look a bit different. It is still the same game!

Xtra Math - If you need login email again please send me an email

Epic! Code XUM5873 - Students can read at any time now, please check your emails as I have sent the invite that is necessary for unlimited access. 

Freckle - Class Code: Chisle

Study Ladder - If you need login information again, please send me an email

Brain Pop: Username: Sunwayiskandar Password: bpop

4A Flipgrid or Worldpals Flipgrid - Students need to log in with their student emails. 

Tynker - Coding - Log in with School provided email address. 

Spelling City - See email sent May 14th for login instructions

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