Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday May 13th Lessons!

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Watch this video first to get your tracking started! It is very important for our lesson tomorrow!

The Digital Classroom: You can find links to all required reading and slides from here.

LANGUAGE (1-1.5 hours):

Heya! Did you do your reading assessment on Raz Kids yet? No? Please get that done in the next week. If you are having technical difficulties like Jayvier, please send me a message by email or Google Hangouts!

If you have a one-picture password on Raz Kids - Please change it! Some of you are being hacked!

To help you with today's reading comprehension concept "Theme"
  1. Week 10 of Reading Comprehension posted on the blog - complete Day 3 today - I did not assess Day 2 if you handed it in, I will catch up today. I was too busy making my Stop-Animation video for Jayvier (see below).
  2. Read for at least 20 minutes via Raz Kids, Epic, or your choice of book
  3. New Words Their Way posted last Monday. Wednesday’s task is Word Searches!  Your word search is on Google Classroom.
  4. Digital Citizenship: In both 4A and 4B this week, students will be exploring what is acceptable, responsible communication online and what entails unacceptable, irresponsible communication online
    1. We will continue exploring our digital footprint, protecting our passwords and private information, and cyberbullying. 
    2. Many students are behind on the Monday & Tuesday tasks. Please get caught up, it will help for today’s lesson and have you prepared for Thursday and Friday’s lessons.
    3. Today they are going to fill in a table tracking their time online for Wednesday! We are going to use it in a Math lesson tomorrow so it is very important you complete this today to be ready for your Math lesson Thursday that goes with elapsed time. Video recorded lesson and table is posted on Google Classroom under digital citizenship. Or the video is posted above!
    4. You should pick another book from the ones provided on Epic! - I can see who is reading them and following directions! Remember to check the digital classroom posted above for the links!
MATH (1 hr):

We have finished our Addition and Subtraction unit - please ensure you have wrapped up the booklet provided on Google Classroom and finished the Quizizz assessment! This will allow me to get some data for the upcoming report cards.

We are starting on Time this week. - Did you make your paper plate clock? If not thats okay, click the clock in the digital classroom above.
I have posted the next booklet for you on Google Classroom as well as a slideshow to help you progress through the various tasks. This can be completed over the next week at your own pace. The slideshow includes various video recordings, lessons, and games to assist you with your understanding. Don't watch and go through the slides all at one time! Chunk it down!
Practice 20 minutes daily on Prodigy, XtraMath, or Study Ladder Math - Jayvier made it all the way through XtraMath, who is going to be next?
SCIENCE (1 hr): Please note this lesson is applicable for Wednesday & Thursday 
Students are learning about Food Webs, Food Chains, and Predators and Prey this week. 
  1. Catch up on Monday/Tuesday tasks if you haven't already
  2. Progress through the Wednesday/Thursday slides below:

FLIPGRID (15 mins - Online Task):

The shared Grade 4 Flipgrid can be accessed by clicking here. Students will need to log in with their school-issued email like before. If you need assistance with Flipgrid here are two videos to help out! Flipgrid for Students Click Here or Click here for using it on your phone.

Last week there was a “Would You Rather?” question provided. This week they can discuss some ideas around our Digital Citizenship unit and what is their favourite website to visit!

The Question is posted - We are up to 5 students now! Yay!
“What app or website do you love using the most?

Tell us a bit about it!”
MALAY: Lesson posted on Google Classroom - email Ms. YenYen if you have any questions @YenYen W 
MANDARIN: Lesson posted on Google Classroom - email Ms. Sara @Saraniya M Murthy 

Extra Website Resources (Click on the name to go directly to that website): 
Prodigy - Note: apparently they have been doing some updates, so things might look a bit different. It is still the same game!
Xtra Math - If you need login email again please send me an email
Epic! Code XUM5873 - Students can read at any time now, please check your emails as I have sent the invite that is necessary for unlimited access. 
Freckle - Class Code: Chisle
Study Ladder - If you need login information again, please send me an email
Brain Pop: Username: Sunwayiskandar Password: bpop
4A Flipgrid or Worldpals Flipgrid - Students need to log in with their student emails. 
Tynker - Coding - Log in with School provided email address. 

My office hours are 8:00 am - 3:00 pm today. Please note: I will be offering live feedback/stream/question & answers from 9:00 am - 10:30 am (adjusted due to feedback about Google Meets) Monday to Friday, and 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Monday to Thursday (other than holidays) on Google Hangouts if you require immediate assistance, otherwise I will respond as soon as possible outside that time. If your student needs assistance on how to use Google Hangouts please
click here.

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