Wednesday, June 10, 2020

June 10th - FInal Day of School for the term


Peach, Mouse, and I will miss you!

It is our final day of class together.. and we get to celebrate with a reading party.. because you did it! 638 minutes! WELL DONE 4A! I'm so proud of you all!

So, a few things first...

Science Dioramas: I only see that Maranelo, Jayvier, Alston, Yu Wei, Jayden, Gianna, and Ming Kee are finished and have posted on Flipgrid. Please go check the science instructions posted on Google Classroom, check the blog yesterday, and check Flipgrid to see what you are supposed to do if you haven't already done it!

I am busy gathering my gifts for those of you who passed levels in XtraMath - if you are close to passing, you have 3 days to make it so I can leave you a surprise in your locker for when you return to school! Practice your XtraMath!
You can also spend time on Prodigy and Study Ladder reviewing the math concepts we covered while we were away from school!

AND FINALLY... the moment you've all been waiting for..
Bitmoji Image


Our movie showing time will be at 10 am on our regular Google Meets way of meeting from Google Classroom!

Make sure you:

  • Go to the bathroom before so you don't miss parts of the movie
  • Get all your snacks and drinks ready to go, so.. you don't miss parts of the movie!
  • Get yourself set up somewhere comfortable where you can watch it, because it's an hour and a half! Find somewhere quiet or with good internet/wifi!
  • Be ready to mute your microphone during the ENTIRE movie. You are welcome to type into the chatbox if you want, but nobody likes the people who talk in the movie causing you to miss parts of it!
  • Be on time.. I don't want to wait for people...
When we are done watching you will have one final task for me that I will share for you on Google Classroom AFTER the movie. You will need to write the similarities and differences between the book and the movie! 

And that's it.. we are done for a well-deserved break!

WE DID IT! We made it through a crazy time all over the world! Hopefully, in July when you come back, you will be able to come to school :)

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