Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday, March 24th Lessons

Hi Students! Please complete the following work.


Your Math lesson is posted on Google classroom to help you move through Chapter 1 - Lesson 8. The textbook pages are also posted on Google Classroom. Please remember to click onto the "Classwork" tab at the top of your Google classroom and you will find all of the pages are under the Math PDF section.


  1. Login to Google Classroom - Follow what the Math task is telling you to do, complete the questions on page 20.
  2. Complete the Google Form that is attached on Google Classroom to consolidate your learning. This is the grade I will enter in for this lesson. 
  3. Practice on XtraMath - one round at least
  4. Spend at least 20 minutes practicing on Prodigy.

  1. Catch up on your science from last week if you are not finished. This means posting a Flipgrid showing the materials you are going to use for your final product.
  2. Read the documents posted on Google Classroom. Pay close attention to the RUBRIC to ensure you are meeting all requirements and are demonstrating your understanding of how you can modify sound including volume and pitch.
  3. Once you are done creating your original musical instrument, respond to the Flipgrid I have posted to demonstrate how it works. Remember you must show HOW it works, as well as how it makes different volumes and pitches.
  4. This is due on FRIDAY so you have all week to work on it. 
  5. Ms. Soltes will guide you on the next steps once you are done 1-4!
  1. Complete the journal prompt left for you on Google Classroom - just the one that says March 24th. If you cannot type in the document, please just complete it on paper to hand into me when we return.
  2. Read for 20 minutes on Raz Kids or read some of the science books on Epic
  3. You can also work on Freckle Language tasks if you have time!
I have also posted Art on Google Classroom for you - Mo Williams is actually showing art with recycled materials today! COOL!

Check out GO NOODLE - for some Good Energy at Home <-- Click here

The PE team and Ms. Yen Yen have also posted some work for you to do and Ms. Soltes updated her blog to give you some tools to make your musical instruments even better! And.. if you want to talk.. I will be on Google Hangouts from 8:00 - 3:00. Talk to you soon! 

And remember....

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