Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Your Lessons (Mission) for March 25th if you choose to accept

Which you really should choose to.. because otherwise, you'll have some catching up to do!

1. Practice one round on XtraMath
2. Spend at least 20 minutes on Prodigy
3. Make sure all previous lessons are finished up.


1. Read the book posted on Google Classroom about Sound. It may be too high-level reading for some of you, Please ask a sibling or older family member to help you read it if so.
2. Work on your Musical instruments assignment - Due Friday. All necessary steps are posted on Google Classroom for you - PLEASE READ the assignment fully and follow the steps!
**Ms. Soltes has also provided some material to work with our science unit on her blog for you if you need assistance understanding Volume and Pitch. Please check the rubric before completing your final Flipgrid.


1. Wednesday writing prompt is posted for you (it is the same document as Tuesday's). I have made some suggestions via highlighting on Tuesday's copy and will return those who "turned in" to me. 
2. Read at least 20 minutes via Raz Kids, Epic, or a book at home
3. Login to Study Ladder and complete at least one activity (Login information was sent home earlier today)

Art - with Mo Williams will be posted on Google classroom like all other days and I also posted a link to Go Noodle on the blog for some Daily Physical Activity!

If you need me I will be on Google Hangouts from 8:00am - 3:00pm! Also... check your emails kiddos! You might find some things from me in there!

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