Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday, April 27th Lessons

Hey 4A! I hope you had a good long weekend!

Monday's Tasks:

Study Ladder (15 mins): ""

1. Log in to Study Ladder and complete at least 3 tasks today. I have a few of you that haven't logged in since March or EVER! If you need your log in information, send me a message!


1. Independent or Buddy Reading: You can read on Epic, Raz Kids, or with a book of choice at home. Monday's are usually our buddy reading day, so I encourage you to read to somebody else in the house, or have somebody read to you! 

2. Reading Comprehension: Week 9 - Day 1 today! - Posted on Google Classroom - The following video will help you refresh yourself with Compare and Contrast

3. Digital Citizenship: 
  1. Go through this slide show: You can also click here if it's not working.

2. Did you do Camilla's activity? No? Go Back!

3. Did you finish the 3 question follow up Google Form? No? Go back to the slides

4. Go to Google Classroom under Coding/Digital Citizenship - You will find a game called "Share Jumper" - Go through the activity and when you are done - Mark as done/turn it in to show me you are following along!

MATH (1 hr):

  1. Practice on XtraMath: Click here
  2. Practice for at least 20 minutes on Prodigy: Click here   
  3. Topic 3 & 4 of their Math booklets
    1. Topic 3 & 4 can be completed over the next 2 weeks. 
    2. There are extra games at the end of every topic. If you do not have a printer or the material to do these they can be skipped. They are just extra practice. 
    3. The Slides to support students progressing through these topics are posted below or can be accessed by clicking here. They are also linked on Google Classroom.
  1. Optional Math: Tag and That's It! - A board game for students today - for 2 players - Click here
SCIENCE (1hr):

This is a 2 part lesson. Part 1 Monday and Part 2 on Thursday.

  1. You are learning about Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers today, as well as Carnivores, Herbivores, and Omnivores. Pay close attention to those bolded words! That means they are important to know!
    1. Video - Watch Me!

Head over to Epic and read the following three books if you need to practice your reading. If they are too difficult for you, you can come back here and watch my recording on "What is an Omnivore?". However, these books are all within most of your reading levels, many might find them somewhat easy for you. 

Remember, you are reading for information. That means you are learning important information as you go. Do not rush or race. Stop and make sure you understood what the page said before carrying on!

For your own reading pleasure and practice:
What is a Carnivore? - Click here
What is a Herbivore? - Click here
What is an Omnivore? - Click here - Video Version - Click here

So, did you learn what the following terms: Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore, Producer, Consumer, and Decomposer? You will need them for Thursday's lesson, so if you don't know what they mean yet, go back and watch again, otherwise move on to your next task! 

SWIMMING: Posted on Google Classroom

MANDARIN: Posted on Google Classroom

EXTRAS: DPA & Art posted above on the proper tabs. You can also continue coding on Tynker if you like or use any of the following applications for extra targeted practice: Razkids, Epic, Freckle, Study Ladder, XtraMath, Prodigy etc. I've also sent your parents an optional calendar with some more suggestions!

Office hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. Please remind your student that I am accessible live on Google Hangouts during office hours. Please click here for support on how to use Google Hangouts.

Reminder: Tuesday and Wednesday are Parent-Teacher Interviews so there will not be lessons. You are encouraged to catch up on overdue work, as well as work on some of the extras provided. 

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