Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday, April 23rd Lessons


How are you all doing today?

Here are your tasks for today. If you missed a day, that is okay, time to get caught up on it over the LONG weekend! Yes, you heard me right, it is a long weekend! I didn't even know myself, oops! I've adjusted some of your due dates because of this!

I love Maranelo, Rae-E, and Irin's Flipgrids showing us how they make some of their favourite recipes! Even though Foodie Friday is over, feel free to share away!

Also, is Maranelo the only one who tried coding the Google logo on Scratch? It turned out so cool! Check out his Flipgrid!

Please work on catching up over the weekend if you are missing anything!


Please, login and do at least 3 tasks - either math or language. Don't know what Study Ladder is? Send me a message on Google Hangouts and I will help you out!


1. Read at least 20 minutes - your choice of Epic, Raz Kids, or any books
2. Reading Comprehension Day 4 & 5 - Due next Monday now seeing we do not have class on Friday.
Some of you need a bit of help with Fact and Opinion, watch this video!

3. Choice of activities for Words Their Way. You can use Spelling City if you like to play some games with your words. Click on the Spelling City picture to the right - and find your sort! 
Red Cherries - You are looking for Red Sort 29
Yellow Bananas - You are looking for Yellow Sort 9
Yellow Lemons - You are looking for Yellow Sort 33
Green Grapes - You are looking for Green Sort 3
Green Kiwis - You are looking for Green Sort 31
Please remember that you need to access Spelling City through the blog to get to my word lists!

4. Continue working on you final copies of the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie books. If you need help: Video lesson provided on Monday's blog post. It is due next Thursday. I have posted a Flipgrid to read your story to the class!


1. One round XtraMath

2. Practice of Prodigy or Study Ladder - New material posted on both

3. Continue working on Subtraction Booklet - it will be due Monday due to Friday being a holiday!

Optional Math: Toothpick Triangles - Click here - you will need toothpicks to build your triangles. You will need to know what a factor is for this - which we touched upon briefly before the MCO. You can click here for a video explaining it! There is also extra help if you navigate through the lessons on the left once on Khan Academy to stretch your understanding.  


I have a book on Habitats for you to read: Click here for the PDF version or Click here for the Epic version!

Or - I will be reading it during our Google Hangout!

On page 28 there is an optional activity to build your own terrarium if you have all the materials at home. You can also check out this video on how to make one! Again, if you don't have the supplies, it's okay, I don't either!


I still only have 8 students complete their Social Studies task. They need to answer the following questions on the World Pals Flipgrid:

What types of games do you play in your country? These can be video games, board games, sports, etc.
What is your favourite game?
Show us!  

If you do not know what Flipgrid is or how to access it, please send me a message so I can support you. Please complete by Monday so I am able to move on!

All e-learning modules for Music classes will be posted on the Music Blog.
Follow this link to access the blog:

Students will be asked to log in each time they want to access the Grade 4 Blog. 

Please note, there is a lesson posted every week. Each lesson requires students to submit work online and/or share their thoughts and ideas through the Music Blog. Students are asked to complete all learning tasks to the best of their ability.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms Soltes directly at  

MANDARIN: Lesson posted on Google Classroom

PE: Lesson posted on Google Classroom

EXTRAS/OPTIONAL: Please check the Art and DPA tab of the blog for new daily options. 

You are always encouraged to make use of the online options to practice and supplement your daily tasks on Raz Kids, Epic, Freckle, Study Ladder, Prodigy, Tynker coding, and XtraMath. Please also check the calendar sent home Sunday to your parents for weekly offline task suggestions if you need more ideas!

Again, we will have a Google Meets at 10:00 am if you would like to join to say hi, ask any questions you may have and discuss habitats. It is okay if you do not want to or cannot make it though!

The link will be posted on Google Classroom and you will not be able to join until 5 minutes before the scheduled start time. If it's not letting you in, it's because you are too early!

Office hours are 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. Please remember the easiest way for you to contact me is through the Google Hangouts feature of your email or the Google console!

Don't know what I am talking about for half of this stuff? Click here to get to our How-To page!

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