Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Monday, May 5th Lesson outline

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FLIPGRID (15 mins - Online Task):

We now have a shared Flipgrid with 4B!

The shared Flipgrid can be accessed by Clicking here. (Make sure you log in with your school-issued email address)

If you need assistance with Flipgrid here are two videos to help out! Flipgrid for Students Click Here or Click here for using it on your phone.

Today you have a “Would You Rather…?!” prompt to choose from. You have to look at the options and choose one, and defend your choice. Go onto Flipgrid and share your answers to the questions below. If other students have posted videos, you can respond to them!

LANGUAGE (1 hr):

1. Complete day 4 of reading comprehension - Reading Comprehension is posted on Google Classroom.

2. Read for at least 20 minutes via Raz Kids, Epic, or their choice of book.

3. New Words Their Way posted on Monday. Tuesday’s task is to write sentences with half of your words! This video supports them utilizing the Words Their Way Slides I’ve provided on Google Classroom: https://youtu.be/kvFSFLvM4AM

4. We will do a Google Meet at 10:00 am for a funny read-aloud and using the Gimkit that was well-received last week to practice the parts of speech we’ve been learning about with our Mad Libs practice! 

Instructions on how to join Google Meets are found here and also posted on Google Classroom.

Students need to access the Meet through Google Classroom. The link is posted on Google Classroom at 9:55 am. Please do not ask me for the link or where it is.. it will be posted on Google Classroom at 9:55 am. See picture below.

MATH (1 hr):

1. Keep working on Topic 3 & 4 of their math booklets - Booklet posted on Google Classroom & the slides/video lessons for these are found here: Addition & Subtraction Slides - Due May 11th. Please remember to click “turn in” when you have finished the entire booklet. A reminder: the games/printables are optional extra support. 

2. Quizizz Math Addition & Subtraction checkup: posted on Google Classroom for you. You have 2 chances to go through the 10 questions. Do not cheat! Must be finished by May 11th. 

3. Practice for at least 20 minutes on Prodigy: I have set up a new pre-assessment for our next unit to determine how much you already know. Please work through the questions independently/on your own so I am able to get an accurate understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. If you want to know if you are done the pre-assessment you can send me a message on Google Hangouts!

4. Optional Math: Yesterday was a toughy! If anybody did it I would love to see it. Today’s problem is around some “Lost Data” - Students need to fill in the blanks to figure out which section of the pie chart or bar graph belongs to which group of students - There is 40 students total and they are given 1 out of the 4 numbers. It’s a bit of a puzzle! - Click here for the problem.
SOCIAL STUDIES (1 hr) (Online):
1. Read global stories on Epic!. There are 32 stories shared on Epic! for you. You can choose a few to read that interest you.
2. After reading you can answer the following questions on the Flipgrid:
- Did you know that more than 7 billion people share this planet with us?
- What did you notice that was similar to your life? What did you notice that was different?
- (If tech limitations make Flipgrid an issue, these questions can be written down and scanned or emailed directly to me).

MALAY: Lesson posted on Google Classroom - email Ms. YenYen if you have any questions @YenYen W 

MUSIC: A message from Ms. Soltes: 
Hello 4A! If you haven't already, please visit the Music page for this week's lesson. We continue to focus on note naming practice with an activity called, CodeMaker! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, get in touch with me via email @Natalia Soltes or through Google Hangouts. Here's the login information for the Grade 4 blog:
username: guest_username
password: guest_password

Extra Website Resources (Click on the name to go directly to that website): 
Prodigy - Note: apparently they have been doing some updates, so things might look a bit different. It is still the same game!
Xtra Math - If you need login email again please send me an email
Epic! Code XUM5873
Freckle - Class Code: Chisle
Study Ladder - If you need login information again, please send me an email
Brain Pop: Username: Sunwayiskandar Password: bpop
4A Flipgrid or Worldpals Flipgrid - Students need to log in with their student emails. 
Tynker - Coding - Log in with School provided email address. 

My office hours are 8:00 am - 3:00 pm today. Please note: I will be offering live feedback/stream/question & answers from 8:00 am - 9:30 am Monday to Friday, and 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Monday to Thursday (other than holidays) on Google Hangouts if you require immediate assistance, otherwise I will respond as soon as possible outside that time.

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