Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tuesday, May 19th Lessons

keyboard smash
Blogspot updated and it caused some issues with the blog. You may have noticed some technical difficulties. This was me over the weekend!

So.. two new things you need to pay attention to...

1. There is a Google Translate button to the right over there --->
If you are struggling with the English instructions because you speak another language at home, you can click to translate for you! But, please don't rely on that too heavily, or you will struggle to learn English in a timely fashion!

2. The blog is now not showing the entire post... so you need to click on the "read more" part to ensure you are not missing parts of the lessons!

The Digital Classroom: Remember you can click on things to access the links!

LANGUAGE (1-1.5 hours):

Have you done your Raz-Kids Assessment yet? Please check my How-To video here:

  1. Week 11 of Reading Comprehension - Day 2 - Posted on Google Classroom

  2. Read for at least 20 minutes via Raz Kids, Epic, or your choice of book. Remember our reading competition - we are at 1886 minutes of our 9000 needed for our reading party. I'm wondering if maybe we should say you need to read at least 400 minutes by yourself to be invited to the reading party because it looks like some of you aren't reading at all!

  3. New Words Their Way words & assignments posted on Google Classroom. Tuesday’s work includes putting half of your words into sentences. Use a dictionary if you do not know what a word means and make sure you use punctuation and capital letters! 

  4. Wonder Novel Study - Listen to 15-20 minutes of the book daily.

  5. Login to Study Ladder to complete a few tasks if there is time. I have assigned new work in regards to sentence structure and parts of speech. I have 4 students that have yet to log in. If you need the login information again, please send me an email. 

MATH (1 hr):

We have now finished a unit on Addition & Subtraction and a Unit on Time. Please complete the booklet and assignments on Quizizz and Prodigy if you have not already.

Tuesday’s task involves lining up decimals so we can add and subtract, which is a carry on from our addition and subtraction unit. The slide lessons can be accessed here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1a1gz7Tb3F_AeE-LuyF4gSbF88feOKmPke238dj-sH0g/edit?usp=sharing - I will be discussing this more at our Tuesday at 10 am Google Meets. If you cannot make Tuesday at 10 am, I will do the same session at 2 pm on Wednesday. As always, the Google Meet's code will go live shortly before 10 am from the Google Classroom stream!

Spend some time practicing on XtraMath, Prodigy, and Study Ladder!

SCIENCE (1 hr): 

This week we are pulling our previous learned material together and adding on learning about communities. 

Today’s task has students choosing a book from our Epic! Library which can be accessed here: https://www.getepic.com/app/user-collection/3335282?utm_source=t2t&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=collection&share=9247649589

Monday’s Task: - read about a chosen animal from the link above and complete page 9 (labelled as 27 in the bottom right corner) called “Surviving in Habitats” from your science booklet. You do not need to turn the booklet in until you are done! 

Tuesday’s Task: Today we will spend some time picking a specific habitat to research about. On the Digital Classroom, you may have noticed that I have added some extra resources to the bookshelf! Take a look at the videos and then head to our Epic Adaptations library (linked above) to pick a different habitat to research. You can choose one like polar/Arctic, prairie, rainforests, underground, underwater, deserts, grasslands, tundra, etc.

Again, many supplementary books are provided in the Epic! Library for you to research from (see above for link). You will then complete page 10 & 11 of the booklet (labelled as 36/37 on the bottom right of the pages), make sure you are adding enough detail and explaining your thinking!


I’ve provided a new grid for you entitled "Show and Tell" where you have the microphone and can share anything you want with us, as well as tell us what's going on with you! Got a talent you want to share with us? Do it there? Something neat you've learned lately? A game you want to show?

This is your stage! Have fun, but keep it school appropriate! Click on the Flipgrid link to the right to get to it.  

MUSIC: A message from Ms. Soltes: 

Hello 4A! If you haven't already, please visit the Music page for this week's lesson. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, get in touch with me via email or through Google Hangouts. Here's the login information for the Grade 4 blog:

username: guest_username

password: guest_password

Email Ms. Soltes - @Natalia Soltes

MALAY: Lesson posted on Google Classroom - email Ms. YenYen if you have any questions

Extra Website Resources (Click on the name to go directly to that website): 



Prodigy - Note: apparently they have been doing some updates, so things might look a bit different. It is still the same game!

Xtra Math - If you need login email again please send me an email

Epic! Code XUM5873 - Students can read at any time now, please check your emails as I have sent the invite that is necessary for unlimited access. 

Freckle - Class Code: Chisle

Study Ladder - If you need login information again, please send me an email

Brain Pop: Username: Sunwayiskandar Password: bpop

4A Flipgrid or Worldpals Flipgrid - Students need to log in with their student emails. 

Tynker - Coding - Log in with School provided email address. 

Spelling City - See email sent May 14th for login instructions

My office hours are 8:00 am - 3:00 pm today. Please note: I will be offering live feedback/stream/question & answers from 9:00 am - 10:30 am (adjusted due to feedback about Google Meets) Monday to Friday, and 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Monday to Thursday (other than holidays) on Google Hangouts if you require immediate assistance, otherwise I will respond as soon as possible outside that time.

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