Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Wednesday, May 20th Lesson Outline

LANGUAGE (1-1.5 hours):

Do your Raz Kids Assessment pleeeeeaaassseee!! Looks like this when you log on:

  1. Week 11 of Reading Comprehension - Day 3

  2. Read for at least 20 minutes via Raz Kids, Epic, or your choice of book.

  3. New Words Their Way words & assignments will be posted live at 7am on Google Classroom. Wednesday’s work includes putting half of your words into sentences. 

  4. Wonder Novel Study - Listen to 15-20 minutes of the book daily.

  5. Subject & Predicate Complete Sentences Lesson -Watch this video!

Then find the assignment on Google Classroom that goes with this video and work on it over the next few days! You can also watch this video for directions on how to complete the assignment. Video recorded lesson: Click here.

MATH (1 hr):

We have now finished a unit on Addition & Subtraction and a Unit on Time. 

Wednesday-Friday tasks: Watch this video for your instructions on what to do. Please pause when I ask you to pause to complete your work in sections. Do not watch the whole video at once! Click here for video if the video below does not load. The assignment is posted on Google Classroom that goes with this video! Due May 27th.

Practice on XtraMath, Prodigy, and Study Ladder!

Subtracting Decimals Video:

SCIENCE (1 hr): 

This week we are pulling our previous learned material together and adding on learning about communities. Please see previous emails/blog posts for Monday/Tuesday tasks. 

Wednesday/Thursday Task:

We are learning about “Communities” today (and Thursday). Please read the section on communities from your science booklet (posted on Google Classroom) and answer the following page (Pg 12-14). Alternatively, if the reading is too hard for you, I've recorded myself reading it here: Recorded Communities Lesson

Once you are done reading about communities and answering the questions, please complete the terminology page! You should write the terms in your own words - meaning not copied word for word from the internet or the booklet. All of the answers are in your booklet! If they are too hard to find, go back to the videos I have posted or the books that are linked on Epic!

Next week we will have a Quizizz about these different terms to see how much you know, so make sure you are not just copying down terms without learning them!


I’ve provided a new grid for students to show and tell anything they have been up to with each other, they can access it to socialize with each other and share what they have been working on at home, what they’ve been doing, or anything else. They have the floor for this one! Please see the How-To section of the blog for assistance on how to use Flipgrid. 

MANDARIN: Lesson posted on Google Classroom - email Ms. Sara @Saraniya M Murthy

MALAY: Lesson posted on Google Classroom - email Ms. YenYen if you have any questions

Extra Website Resources (Click on the name to go directly to that website): 



Prodigy - Note: apparently they have been doing some updates, so things might look a bit different. It is still the same game!

Xtra Math - If you need login email again please send me an email

Epic! Code XUM5873 - Students can read at any time now, please check your emails as I have sent the invite that is necessary for unlimited access. 

Freckle - Class Code: Chisle

Study Ladder - If you need login information again, please send me an email

Brain Pop: Username: Sunwayiskandar Password: bpop

4A Flipgrid or Worldpals Flipgrid - Students need to log in with their student emails. 

Tynker - Coding - Log in with School provided email address. 

Spelling City - See email sent May 14th for login instructions

My office hours are 8:00 am - 3:00 pm today. Please note: I will be offering live feedback/stream/question & answers from 9:00 am - 10:30 am (adjusted due to feedback about Google Meets) Monday to Friday, and 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Monday to Thursday (other than holidays) on Google Hangouts if you require immediate assistance, otherwise I will respond as soon as possible outside that time. If you need assistance on how to use Google Hangouts please click here.

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